Labour issues have been sidelined in the popular media and society

Workers make a vital contribution to the transformation of society

Unions are the most powerful and best organised civil society group

Radio is the most popular medium for the working class

For a number of reasons, the profile of the labour movement and labour issues has declined since the mid-nineties. Most references in the popular media to trade unions and their activities are cast in a negative light and portrayed as harmful to investment prospects and economic growth.

This is despite the positive contribution that the labour movement and workers have made in the anti-Apartheid struggle and still do in transforming South Africa.

Despite the weakened state of the labour movement when compared to the 1980s, it is still the largest, most organised and well-resourced grouping within civil society.

Radio, as the most accessible and highly popular medium can play a vital role in strengthening the democratic process in South Africa and the effective role of the trade union movement, especially for ordinary workers. It is for this purpose that this project, Workers World Radio Productions, has been set up. The project produces programmes, which inform, educate and uplift the cultural levels of the people of South Africa, especially working women and men.

The project plays a multi-faceted role for the labour movement, whilst still retaining its independence for the producers from interference of any kind. The role of the project will include providing the trade union movement access to the airwaves. It will enable worker and trade unionist productions and enhance their democratic role within civil society. These productions will also be a means of:

  • Disseminating information
  • Education and training
  • Artistic development and appreciation
  • Entertainment

Programmes are balanced and respect universally accepted media ethics. The project also aims to ensure that trade unionists (trade union members, shopstewards and officials) are trained in the use and appreciation of various aspect of the radio.